“Cain knew his wife, and she conceived and bore Enoch. And he built a city, and called the name of the city after the name of his son—Enoch” (Genesis 4:17).
As we read the story of Cain’s fall in Genesis 4, it seems as if the time frame between verse 16 and 17 is only a couple of days. Though the story doesn’t indicate this, some have wondered if Cain somehow found a wife who came from people other than Adam and Eve. They conjecture that perhaps somewhere else on Earth God also created Alfred and Elaine. But there is no Scripture passage to support this notion.
As Adam and Eve followed God’s command to “be fruitful and multiply”
(Genesis 1:28), they had many children. They were not encumbered with the degeneration brought about by sin that we see today. Not only did they live much longer lives, but also the genetic deficiencies seen today when close relatives marry and bear children did not exist. So Cain’s wife would obviously be from the offspring of Adam and Eve. Brothers and sisters must have married.
The same question is raised regarding the children of Noah who survived the worldwide flood. Cousins must have married since there were no other people on the earth. Even up to the time of Abraham, we find close relatives marrying; Sarah was his half-sister. But as the effects of sin have multiplied, there is a greater risk of couples sharing recessive gene traits that can lead to an increase in birth defects. Eventually, God banned the practice.
There are a variety of laws concerning marrying first or second cousins across our planet. In some places it is encouraged, while in others it is illegal. Interestingly, the Bible speaks to this issue. “None of you shall approach anyone who is near of kin to him, to uncover his nakedness: I am the LORD” (Leviticus 18:6). The list of examples given in the text apparently does not include cousins. Examples of first cousins getting married can be found in Scripture, such as the marriage of Isaac and Rebekah (Genesis 24:12–15)
Dear Jesus, thank you for the gift of marriage and guidelines to protect this holy union.
For Further Study: Genesis 2:24; Proverbs 18:22
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